Once again I've overestimated the number of hours in a day. If I was a comic book villian, I'd be called Imprompt-O; I'd just cackle maniacally and make people late for stuff. My costume would be yesterday's clothes and a Flavor Flav clock necklace with The Riddler's question mark on it.
Anyway, we'll try My Town Monday again next Monday when I've got some time. In the meantime, feel free to share your villianous alter ego.
10 hours ago
Deliberately Take Up Too Much Space On The Train Guy.
His baggage is your buggage.
I thought this was going to be about superpowers, not villainy.
One of my favourite superpowers I actually possess. (Not flying, which would be my all time favourite power if I had it.) I'm a Mum and I've been a teacher, so I have eyes-at-the-back-of-my-head.
To get back to the actual question, what villain am I? I am The Procrastinator! My motto is Never put off till tomorrow what you can put off till the day after.
I would so totally be Indecizor. Or maybe The Waffler. I have the unique ability to see both sides of every stinking argument. Therefore, I frequently find it difficult to take sides.
My villainous power would be to make people suddenly indecisive and, when I'm particularly on form, have them second-guessing everything they do, then second-guessing themselves again.
When my father and I get together, it's like those vultures from The Jungle Book. Wot we gonna do? I dunno, wotcha wanna do?
I think I'd be Lucifera Advocatum -- Hellgal. Arguing for argument sake is my passion. Right or wrong, who cares? It's the journey, right? Heck, I even argue with myself.
Argue with yourself? Don't be so hyperbolic. Jeez. No one argues with themself.
Hmm. Love the yesterday's clothes thing. And the Procrastinator is already taken. Darn. The Waffler is making me hungry. Just got a cast iron waffle maker and I'm ready to dive in.
I think I'm just a Sugar Monster these days - raving hormones and all that jazz. Not sure those 20 boxes of thin mints will make it the whole year. *sigh*
Oh Maaannn. We miss ya already.
I have to think about the superpower ego thang a while - but really, I'm already amazing at thinking both sides of an issue could be right - I'm probably Pete's sidekick. Like Walffle-ette, or something.
I'm probably Pete's sidekick. Like Walffle-ette, or something.
Where's the strawberry syrup?
Captain Obsessive Compulsive Troll Blog Re-visiter...
UTB, not procrastination, is the thief of time...
Yeah, where IS that syrup?
Can it be blueberry? Huh, huh?
I miss BT. And apparently, I'm not the only one.
I love blueberry.
And yeah, I can't wait for the next Florida news bulletin.
OK. Blueberry it is.
BT- are you out there?
Come in, Rangoon...
Hello. And Bye.
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